Making Maker : August 2018

August 4, 2018

We’ve had quite a bit of content and updates put out these past few weeks. The team is enjoying the increased level of activity as we prep for Maker Governance. Here are some highlights of the what’s happened recently:


  • Steven Becker, Head of Risk, described the potential and impact of Maker in a ‘Developing Markets in Underserved Communities’ panel with the Human Rights Foundation at the enterprise blockchain conference Distributed 2018 in SF on July 20. He sat alongside the Human Rights Foundation before he moved on to give a talk that overviewed our partnership with Tradeshift.


  • Our President, Matt Richards, captivated the attendees of DappCon Berlin with his visionary keynote at DappCon. Matt’s talk titled ‘Maker — What’s to come’ expands on Maker’s plans and progress in moving towards our mission of true decentralization and stability.
  • Ethan Bennett, our Integrations Dev, also delivered one of the most actively attended workshops at DappCon in which he dove into a special session on Maker.js (our javascript library which will be released August 10)

Governance & Risk Updates:

Light Reading:


    • Swarm Fund partnered with Maker to bring Dai to their investors.
  • bZx , margin lending protocol, has partnered with Maker to bring a number of integrations together. Read more here.
August 4, 2018