This week we’ve launched Oasis.Direct to provide users a fast and easy on-ramp from ETH to DAI and MKR. Unlike our decentralized exchanged OasisDex, which provides a full view of markets and order books, Oasis.Direct delivers the tokens through just a few clicks.
The Auctus Project has partnered with Maker to add Dai to its platform. Auctus is the first retirement plan platform that involves crypto and traditional assets. The addition of DAI is crucial to help rebalance those portfolios that reach their crypto risk limits — but still allowing them to maintain decentralized tokens and exposure to USD.
Maker has been focused on expansion into Asia in the past few weeks, and the Ethereum meet-up in Tokyo was another great opportunity to meet new audiences. We also spoke on a panel at the Ethereum Community Fund alongside OmiseGO, Golem, and others.
We’re also impressed to see our dedicated community posting data and analysis around our system’s activity in recent CDP liquidations. Check out this data-driven exploration of Dai's performance during the large liquidation of CDPs.
If you’re a Telegram user, we’ve started an official channel there for announcements and are looking for other ways to involve the community.
Dev Updates
In terms of development news, our dev teams are still chugging on the road of non stop progress. Below is a list of this week’s developer updates:
Keepers & Liquidity:
Added a new token and a new exchange to the internal market-making setup.
Improving the architecture. Breaking down business logic into components.
Improving the infrastructure. Started work on monitoring and container setup.
Integrations Team:
Worked on the final pieces of functionality for the JavaScript library, related to interacting with CDPs and Oasis orders
Finished Week 2 of Trail of Bits audit : No critical issues found
Working on updating documentation
Oracle Security Module now being audited
A team working for a large company is doing their own Oracle implementation and has asked us for assistance in making their smart contracts compatible with ours. As soon as they start disclosing more info, we’ll be able to talk more about it too. But this will mean a more robust and varied feed ecosystem.
We’re thrilled to have our new Head of UI and UX, Henry Doe, on board. Henry just began this week and he is out of London. Tune into our community meeting this Tuesday 9am PDT on Team Speak to meet Henry and other members of the team!