
  1. #PiDai for #PiDay: Tweeting crypto for good

    March 12, 2019

    PiDay (March 14th) has been long celebrated as a geek holiday, so MakerDAO, in conjunction with our friends at @SendCrypto, are happy to announce a way for the crypto community to celebrate the date and help make the world a better place.

  2. Raise the Stability Fee to 3.5%

    March 8, 2019

    The Maker Foundation Interim Risk Team will place an Executive Vote proposal into the voting system to enact a new Dai Stability Fee of 3.5%.

  3. MakerDAO Focuses on Korea

    March 8, 2019

    To build on the strong support for Dai in Korea, Maker is officially launching their National Relayer campaign in Korea.

  4. Proposed Stability Fee Increase: +2%

    March 4, 2019

    The Maker Foundation Interim Risk Team will place a Governance Poll proposal into the voting system to raise the Dai Stability Fee by 2.0%, for a new rate of 3.5%.

  5. People + xDai + Burner Wallet = Portable Giving

    February 27, 2019

    A good crypto conference is a magical thing and John Paller did it again at ETHDenver 2019. Attendees were energised, focused, sharing, and generally busy as hell as we all gathered together to ‘do crypto’ for 36 hours.

  6. Dai Developer Documentation

    February 26, 2019

    The MakerDAO ecosystem is designed as an elegant solution for an endless number of applications enabling decentralized finance

  7. Stability Fee Increase: February 22nd

    February 22, 2019

    The Maker Foundation Risk Team will place a proposal into the voting structure ( to raise the Dai Stability Fee by 0.5%, for a new rate of 1.5%.