Update: The Road to Multi-Collateral Dai—Kovan Release v0.2.3

April 10, 2019


Two weeks ago, we announced the release of MCD v0.2.2 on the Kovan testnet. The release was met with great response from the community! Thank you to everyone who tested and provided feedback.

As promised in the announcement, updates will be posted here as we continue testnet releases on our road to the mainnet release of the Multi-Collateral Dai core contracts and their interaction with Maker core products and tools. As we progress, our goal is to be as transparent as possible with the community and consistently clarify the scope of releases.

This post provides an update on the second release, MCD v0.2.3, the details of which include development updates to the following areas: 

  • Core Contracts
  • Governance Process (Deployed)
  • CDP Portal
  • Dai.js

Descriptive Changelog (v0.2.2 <> v0.2.3) 


  • Version 0.2.2 (Released on March 28, 2019)
  • Version 0.2.3 (Released on April 4, 2019)

Since the v0.2.2 Kovan release, the following has been changed and/or added for the newest 0.2.3 release:


  • New MCD 0.2.3 Kovan contract addresses can be found by using `curl -v http://www.mocky.io/v2/5ca6f6df340000132f76b20b`


The following projects have been updated to use the new Kovan deployment: 

  • DSS deployment scripts
  • Smart contracts
  • Governance Dashboard
  • MCD CDP Portal

New Contract Addresses and Contract Changes 

For the v0.2.3 release, we have re-released the collateral and MKR tokens. This means that if you are looking to test and experiment with product UIs, you will need to get the newest versions of the collateral and MKR tokens.

Core System Contracts

[table id=1 /]

MKR Governance Token Contract

[table id=3 /]

DAI Stablecoin Contracts

[table id=4 /]

ETH Collateral Contracts

[table id=5 /]

Collateral 1 Contracts

[table id=6 /]

To access the full list of contracts, please go here

Key Smart Contract Functionality Changes 

  • Bytes32 to Address
  • ds-pause
  • Modifications in the CDP manager and the proxy actions.

To see the details of the changes, please visit the release of the newest  testchain-dss-deployment-scripts

The Most Significant Changes in the Release

  • dss change urn from bytes32 to address
  • dss-cdp-manager adapted for unique address and urns
  • Removed the exit function
  • frob minor changes

Please note that the `mcd-cli` is out of date and, therefore, is not part of this release.

User Interface Changes

Governance Dashboard

  • Improved on-boarding process by incorporating the Maker UI components library, and guiding vote proxy setup more intuitively.
  • Added the ability to vote with a single wallet without a vote proxy.
  • Kovan MCD contracts and tokens are now added from the client using the SDK addContracts feature.
  • Updated Kovan MCD addresses for latest contract deployment.
  • Various bug fixes.

Release Details

CDP Portal 

  • App navigation tweaks (such as the left nav bar now displays CDPs owned by you).
  • The CDP details now reveal the real data of your CDP (Note that some of the data exists as placeholders).
  • Enabled users to connect to the CDP portal with new wallets, such as Ledger and Trezor.
  • CDP Page improvements.
  • CDP Actions initial implementation.
  • SDK Updates.
  • Dashboard UI improvements.

Release Details


  • Pause was added as part of the ‘Governance Security Module.’ Pause works by adding a time delay from when a spell is lifted to become the hat until the point it can be ‘cast’ (otherwise referred to being executed). As per this release, Pause will implement a 5-minute delay.
  • Note that Pause will only affect the Governance UI, in that the Governance votes cannot be cast until the time has passed. 
  • Since the DAI token is a regular ERC20, there are no changes on the frontend side of its development. 
  • Fixed a bug in the GasService that caused incorrect gas prices to be included with transactions.
  • Note: The master branch is the most updated version of the contracts.

Release Details

Next Steps

We are now another step closer to achieving Multi-Collateral Dai! When building a system like this, it is crucial to get feedback—not just from internal teams, but also from the entire Maker ecosystem. Please join our public #product-feedback channel on Rocket.Chat to provide feedback and ask any questions you may have.

You can also provide product feedback on the CDP Portal using Usersnap. You do not have to install a Chrome extension to do so. The Usersnap widget allows you to make comments right away.

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To receive updates on Maker, go to https://makerdao.com/en/. In the bottom right corner of the page, you will find the “Sign up for the latest content and updates” button. Please enter you email and hit ’Subscribe’. If you are interested in learning more about creating a product or tool that leverages the Dai Credit System, contact the product team via Rocket.Chat.

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April 10, 2019