Upvote/Downvote: Piloting a New Way for Design Feedback

May 23, 2019

As we continue to work toward the full mainnet release of Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD), the Maker team has begun sharing early previews of our front-end products. To ensure the absolute best user experience at the launch of MCD, we would like as much feedback as possible on the experience of the MCD CDP test portal and the current CDP Portal and Governance dashboard, as well as any thoughts on how you believe these platforms should look and feel once MCD is released.   

Currently, we receive a fair amount of feedback on Reddit, Twitter, and other platforms, and the comments are often similar. Because we want people to be able to comment in one spot, build on each other’s ideas, and vote on what features they would like to see, we are creating a more open and efficient feedback process. Canny is a tracking tool we are piloting only for the feedback requested above. In other words, it is not the place to suggest feedback on our smart contract design or legal structure. If we see success with Canny, we will roll out the tool to our wider suite of products.

To provide feedback, navigate to feedback.makerdao.com, and then sign up or login. Once inside the app, you’ll see a Reddit-style board on which you can post comments and vote on ideas that are presented.

Please note that this *isn't* a community voting mechanism used to determine final product design; rather, it’s a place where Maker team members and the public can discuss and vote on features that might help inform decisions moving forward.

With your help, we look forward to evolving the CDP Portal, Governance dashboard, and the rest of our products while maintaining the best design in the blockchain space.

Stay tuned for updates on additional products included for feedback, as well as upcoming iterations of the CDP Portal and Governance dashboard.

For all other updates, follow us on:





May 23, 2019